Where Does the Ketogenic Diet Come Up Short

Ketogenic Diet the Drawbacks

The Keto Shortcut System

Despite the variety of benefits that Ketogenic enthusiasts claim, there are a number of downfalls of this diet as well – and some of the drawbacks might make going Keto not entirely worth the trouble.

Below are just some of the most notable problems with going Keto that you’ll likely experience when jumping on this trending new diet.

The Keto Flu

The Keto flu is one of the most notorious downsides of the Ketogenic Diet. It occurs during the first few weeks of the diet and is a direct result of your carb intake grinding to a halt. And for many, the symptoms of this period can end up being quite gruelling. Many people describe the condition as being similar to having the flu, though the effects might end up lasting far longer in some cases. Some of the most common symptoms might include:

• Dizziness• Headache• Nausea• Vomiting• Irritability• Muscle aches• Insomnia• Fatigue

Internal Organ Problems

Going Keto could end up being dangerous, especially for anyone who has problems with their liver or kidneys. The dramatic change in macronutrient consumption can end up putting additional (and unnecessary) strain on these internal organs and could end up leading to more severe problems than belly fat down the line. As a result, many researchers suggest finding another weight loss alternative instead.

Weight Loss is Delayed

While studies have shown that Keto can lead to weight loss, the results may not be quite as dramatic and rapid as you may have heard. Part of this is because most of the weight loss at first is actually water weight according to Lisa Cimperman, R.D.N.Beyond that, most of the highly-cited studies that Keto enthusiasts point to when it comes to weight loss (like those mentioned previously) don’t show that dramatic of weight loss at all (only around 0.75lbs per week).

Muscle Loss – Ketogenic Diet

The standard Ketogenic Diet can make it tough to build muscle and get the most out of your exercises, even though your meals will typically consist of high levels of protein. As a result, even if you end up losing weight at some point over the course of the diet, the results won’t be nearly as dramatic as other programs that let you both lose weight and build muscle at the same time.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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