1 juices for weight loss

The Best Smoothie Recipes

Quickly Make A Nutritious Smoothie Or Juice With These Easy Tips

The best smoothie recipes , for the best and freshest smoothie or juice, follow this list of top tips. Ensure that you end up with healthy and nutritious smoothies and juices, while also avoiding costly mistakes with these simple and quick tips on smoothies and juicing.

The best smoothie recipes – Go Organic

The chemicals used in growing plants are easily absorbed by both vegetables and fruits. One of the best ways to ensure that the smoothie or juice you end up with is chemical free is to use organically grown fruits and vegetables. Consider focusing on what is referred to as the “dirty dozen” if you cannot afford to go full out organic.

The best smoothie recipes – Choose The Right Machine

When it comes to getting more juice from the produce you are using, greens to be specific, use “Slow juicers”. Breville, Omega and Hurom models are considered to be the best of the best. For smoothies, Vitamix is the best you’ll get. For a more comprehensive list of the best machines, check out my smoothie equipment reviews.

The best smoothie recipes – The Sooner You Take It The Better

Since it only takes a few hours for your fresh juice or smoothie to go bad, melon, cauliflower, broccoli or cabbage juice spoils faster; it’s recommended that you take it immediately.

Which Is Best, Blender Or Juicer?

Unless you want to end up with a lumpy gritty drink, avoid using a blender to make a smoothie or juice, leaving it for soups instead. However, you can use a regular blender, and then pass the resulting juice through a coffee filter if you cannot afford a high speed blender or juicer.

The best smoothie recipes – Go Green

All vegetables are considered to be super foods, especially wheatgrass. Make sure that you use a small amount, a fistful to be exact, to all your favorite recipes (adding too much might leave you with a stomach upset).

Some Don’ts

Unless you have a commercial juicer, avocadoes and bananas will end up clogging your machine. You can add them to your juice after putting them in a blender first. Hard parts, such as large seeds and pomegranate or pineapple skin, of vegetables and fruits will not add to the amount of nutrients in your juice or smoothie, as such, it’s recommended that you leave them out of the mixture that goes into the juicer or blender.

Use The Skin

For some vegetables and fruits, the skin contains the highest nutrient count. However, in most cases, the skin doesn’t taste good at all. You could experiment with a bit of the skin. Since it still tastes just as sweet, I prefer to leave half of the skin on carrots when making my smoothies or juice, for instance.

Pulp Is Good

I usually put a couple of spoonfuls of pulp back into my juice simply because it’s a great source of fiber. Alternatively, you can add some mayonnaise to the pulp and have yourself a mock tuna salad.

Don’t Throw Away That Pithy Part

The pithy part, which is the fleshy white bit separating the fruit and the rind, is rich in nutrients; be sure to juice it too.

Exercise Your Creativity

Don’t shy away from trying out your own juice recipes. You can tune them up to your specific needs and preferences. I was able to avoid wasting time and money on fruit and vegetable combinations that tasted bad by having a good idea of ingredients that taste better when I started making fresh

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By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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