
Paleo Diet

The Paleo Diet is often cited as being especially tough to stick with over time. And part of that might be because this dietary regimen is notoriously restrictive regarding which foods are okay and which are off the table for good. That’s why if you are 100% dedicated to going Paleo (or you’re just looking for reasons not to hop on this bandwagon) then it pays to know what kinds of foods you can and cannot eat. The list below will get you started in the right direction. But remember, it isn’t meant to be completely comprehensive. Plenty of other types of food fit into the diet and, of course, at least just as many don’t.

What You Can Eat on Paleo Diet 


• Chicken
• Beef
• Veal
• Bison
• Goose
• Duck
• Turkey
• Pork
• Boar
• Lamb
• Goat
• Bass
• Prawns
• Salmon
• Crawfish
• Abalone
• Tuna
• Crab
• Scallops
• Snapper
• Herring


• Bell peppers
• Broccoli
• Cauliflower
• Artichoke
• Onions
• Garlic
• Eggplant
• Squashes
• Carrots
• Parsnips
• Sweet potatoes
• Cabbage
• Kale
• Spinach
• Collard greens
• Seaweed


. Avocado
• Grapes
• Tomatoes
• Cantaloupe
• Apples
• Coconuts
• Lemons
• Limes
• Strawberries
• Blueberries
• Apricots
• Peaches
• Mango
• Banana
• Plantains
• Oranges

Seeds & Nuts

• Pumpkin seeds
• Pine nuts
• Pecans
• Walnuts
• Hazelnuts
• Macadamia nuts
• Cashew


avocado oil
• Walnut oil
• Lard
• Tallow
• Ghee
• Flaxseed oil
• Coconut oil
• Olive oil


Raw honey Chicory root fiber , Raw, unprocessed stevia leaves or powder
Lo Han Guo

What You Can’t Eat

• Soft drinks
• Candy
• Pastries
• Bread
• Pasta
• Beans
• Lentils
• Milk
• Butter
• Cheese
• Vegetable oil
• Hydrogenated oils (like margarine)
• Ice cream
• Refined sugar
• “Diet” or “low-fat” foods
• Cereals
• Peanuts
• Potatoes
• Coffee
• Alcohol
• Yogurt
• Corn
• Oats
• Energy drinks
• Processed meats
• Potato chips
• Processed salad dressings and condiments
• Soy
• Tofu

A Quick Tip on Shopping

As you can see, there are quite a few foods you can’t eat on the Paleo Diet. Starchy vegetables, certain oils, and grains and dairies as a whole are simply off the table on this meal plan.

But what makes Paleo even harder to stick to is the fact that processed foods and artificial ingredients are a big no-no. And when you look at the back of nearly any boxed food in the supermarket, you’re going to see a lot of unnatural-sounding words (like butylated hydroxyanisole), making that meal off-limits.

That’s why if you’re going to make it on Paleo, you simply must plan your shopping ahead of time. Get your meals lined up for the week before heading to the store. Know which foods are fair game and which are off-limits with a bit of at-home research. Get used to spending the majority of your time in the produce section and at the meat counter. With a bit of practice and some planning, you may be able to stick with this diet longer than you expect.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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