Deeper Dive into The Ketogenic Diet

1200 calorie keto meal plan

1200 calorie keto meal plan

You’ve probably heard the Ketogenic Diet referred to in a couple of different ways – the Keto Diet, low carb diet, LCHF (low-carb, high-fat). But no matter how you refer to it, there’s one core tenet of this diet that reigns supreme: cut the carbs.

The 1200 calorie keto meal plan

1200 calorie keto meal plan: That’s because, with fewer carbs in your daily diet, your body is much quicker to jump into a process known as “ketosis.” Ketosis is when your system switches over to burning fat after it has run through all of your stores of carbohydrates. It follows, then, that with fewer carbs in your body, the quicker you can start using fat for energy and, thus, shedding those unsightly pounds.

  • Improved cardiovascular health
  • Lowered cancer risks
  • Clearer skin
  • Better brain functioning
  • Fewer headaches
  • More energy

While the science is still out on many of these claims, the 1200 calorie keto meal plan does have a history of treating epilepsy and promoting weight loss when the diet is followed correctly.

To get the most benefits out of Keto, Keto enthusiasts claim that your diet should be limited to around 50g of total carbs per day. One important caveat to remember here, though, is that the total carbs digested are often offset by the grams of fiber in each serving. If a serving has 20g total carbs and 12g of fiber then, only about 8g of carbs will end up impacting your body.


This final measure is what’s known as net carbs, and most Keto users point to around 20g to 30g of net carbs a day as being a solid goal.

In the end, the more time you spend in ketosis (marked by the absence of carbs in your system), the more fat you’ll burn through – and the more weight you’ll lose.


The Keto Shortcut System

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!