
Healthiest Drinks in Starbucks

Stay Away From The Tea Latte

healthiest drinks in starbucks

Deep down in your gut, you know it’s time to wish the daily Frapuccino happy hour farewell; however, this doesn’t mean you need to give up your caffeine fix completely. By making healthier choices when standing in the coffee shop line, you will know what to order as a healthy option. Merely switching the usual Starbucks from a regular to a skinny can reduce the calorie content by 50%, which is a serious payoff. Try one of these fully caffeinated, yet highly satisfying, options listed below the next time you visit Starbucks. You could also learn how to avoid the sneaky sugar traps included in Starbucks drinks to lighten the beverage up in general.

Healthiest drinks in starbucks

1. Healthiest drinks in starbucks – The Whole Milk Cappuccino

Anytime, anywhere, a regular cappuccino can count as an ideal order for a coffee-lover; plus, you don’t feel like you need to order them skimmed down, either. Due to the fact that they’re made using foamed milk, the cappuccino already has low-calorie content, even though the high creaminess continues to feel like an indulgence. A tall cappuccino created using whole milk at Starbucks contains only 110 calories!

2.  Healthiest drinks in starbucks – The Low-Fat Or Skin Caffe Mistos

A misto with non-fat or low-fat milk can be beneficial if you are searching for a drink with some extra ‘kick’ to it. This type of beverage is made using coffee instead of espresso, and it uses less milk than a latte causing a reduction in calories. Furthermore, you can order the caffe misto with sugar-free syrup if you’re looking for some sweetness in the drink.

3. Healthiest drinks in starbucks – Hot Or Iced Tea

Regardless of whether you enjoy green, black, or one of the unsweetened seasonal tea flavors; tea is literally a calorie-free option that is also super-hydrating. Plus, they are highly beneficial as a ‘pick me up’ when you want to ease off the caffeine. Herbal decaffeinated tea blends include less than 15 mg of caffeine, while the caffeinated green or black tea will include 45 mg. As comparison, the grande iced coffee contains approximately more than three times the amount of caffeine included in a tea, and there’s more in a cold coffee brew.

4. Healthiest drinks in starbucks – Mocha Or Skinny Vanilla Lattes

Since baristas often make lattes using sugar substitutes, they are ideal for sweet-tasting indulgences – particularly since they also include approximately 15 grams of protein in the grande latte version. This is the ideal option for those occasions where you desire a fancier beverage without consuming too many calories. As there are only 120 calories in a grande skinny vanilla latte, it is much lighter than the regular version containing 250 calories.

5. Healthiest drinks in starbucks – Hot Or Iced Tea

Fans of coffee can enjoy the smooth taste and creaminess of a cold brew. Prolonged brewing of this beverage can make the drink seem sweeter; therefore, you are less inclined to add sugar to the item. Moreover, cold brews contain extra caffeine when compared to the traditional iced coffee; so, they are considered a ‘better bang for your buck’ when searching for that caffeine high!

What Beverages Should I Skip?

1. Healthiest drinks in starbucks – Whipped Toppings

At Starbucks, the whipped toppings to drinks can increase calorie intake by approximately 150 calories. While whipped toppings can be delicious, they are primarily sugar and fat meaning that they will not contribute to caffeine or feelings of being full.

2. Iced Teas With Lemonade

A grande green, white, or passion fruit tea with lemonade contain approximately 90 calories; however, it is also filled with 22 grams of additional sugar – this is only 2 grams away from the recommended sugar intake amount for females according to the American Heart Association. While this type of iced tea with lemonade can taste refreshing, the sweet drink can dehydrate you making you thirstier. You may, actually, be better off spending money on an unsweetened version of the venti and add your own sugar.

3. Tea Lattes

Tea powder is typically used to make lattes containing additional sugar, not to mention the syrup and sweetener on top of these sugars. If you order coconut, almond, or soy milk, it is highly likely that added sugar could be sneaked in as compared to the regular tea latte. When craving a tea latte, it is recommended that you ask for a regular brewed chai tea with a side of hot milk instead.

4. Frozen Drinks

A frozen drink can be delicious, particularly in the heat; however, unless you are going to Starbucks for a dessert in frappuccino-form, you should skip them. The frozen drinks are mainly sugar, ice, milk, a tiny bit of coffee, and lots of whipped cream with syrup.

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By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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