How to Lose Weight and Build Muscle

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Gaining muscle

Gaining muscle and putting on healthy weight requires some serious devotion from your side, but here’s a list of things that can affect your ability to gain muscles.

1. Gaining Muscle Your Genes 

You get your “genes” from your parents, and there is nothing you can do about it. If your parents both have small body structures, you are most likely going to have the same characteristics. However, genetics are not the only factor indetermining your fate.

You will be relieved to know that you can actually turn your genes “on” or “off.” Wonder how this is possible? Your genes are affected by your lifestyle, diet and exercise in particular. So, if you are looking to gain weight, you can change your lifestyle and change the way you look.


2. Gaining Muscle Your Basic Metabolic Rate

Your basic metabolic rate is the rate at which you can burn body fat and calories. To a certain degree, your basic metabolic rate can work for you or against you when it comes to gaining weight.

When you become consistent with your diet and workout plan, your metabolic rate is boosted; this in turn helps you gain healthy weight and muscles. So, if you are looking to gain healthy muscles, make sure your metabolic rate is high and your body does not store excessive fat.

3. Gaining Muscle Proper Sleep

This does sound funny, but you need to get a proper amount of rest to increase your muscle mass. Getting a peaceful night’s sleep should also be an essential part of your workout regime. Remember, your muscles can grow bigger and better when they get the right amount of rest.

Those of you who are a little curious to know more should definitely read this. Sleep changes the way your body responds to exercise and healthy diet. If you have an intensive workout plan, your muscles basically get stretched and tired. During rest, your body actually restores the tired muscles and performs minor fixes to bring them back to great shape. So from now on, turn off your TV and laptop and get to bed earlier than what you used to do, to see your body getting better.

4. Intensity and Duration of Exercise

Maintaining the intensity of a workout session is also very important for gaining muscles fast. You should increase the intensity of your workout plan gradually, and it is better if you constantly mix up your muscles so that they don’t become used to the same routine.

In addition to the intensity of your workout, you also need to pay attention to the duration of your exercise session. Long workouts are of no use, and you should try to limit your workout to a maximum of 60 minutes.

Sure you can exercise for two to three hours, but the question is, why? When you can get impressive results with training for sixty minutes, four to five days a week, your only focus should be to make these minutes count.

Weight train for about fortyfive minutes, and do about ten minutes of warm ups, on training days. Remember, if your workout session is really long, your muscles will not have enough time to repair.

5. Right Diet

If you want to develop strong muscles or gain muscle mass, following a proper diet is essential. Most guys skip meals when they don’t feel like eating anything. You know that your muscles need lots of fuel to work and get stronger, so it is important to have a decent eating plan.

Even if you are not hungry, your muscles need energy, especially after a workout. Try to stick to a diet plan where you have four to six meals per day. Also, try to spread out your meals.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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