Choose A Workout Plan For Your Body

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Workout Plan

Workout Plan, Most of you know that there is no “one size fits all” program for weight and muscle gain. We all have different body types. Take a good look around you. You’ll find people who never gain weight even if their table is full of junk food; and there are some not so happy people who exercise a lot but still cannot manage to stop gaining weight.

Well, your body type is also an important factor when it comes to weight training and gaining muscles. You have to eat and train according to your body type; otherwise, things are never going to improve.

To make things easier for you to understand, there are three different body types: Ectomorph, Mesomorph and Endomorph.

Diet & Exercise For Ectomorphs, Mesomorphs and Endomorphs

Diet & Exercise For Ectomorphs Workout Plan

Well, ectomorphs are very thin, and it is really difficult for them to gain weight. People with this body type take slightly longer than others to gain muscle mass, but gaining weight is not an impossible task. Ectomorphs need to eat more calories and plan to eat at least five to six meals per a day. If you have an ectomorph body, you’ll not only burn
more calories, but you are going to utilize all your energy faster than others. You should be concentrating on increasing the amount of calories you consume every day, and you need to rest more.

Workout Plan – How can you recognize whether or not you have an ectomorph body?

If you have narrow shoulders and hips, very little body fat, skinny arms and legs and a thin and narrow chest and abdomen, you most likely have an ectomorph body.

Workout Plan – What should be your diet and exercise plan?

Split training usually works best for ectomorphs, and you should try to get plenty of rest between your workout sessions. Try to focus on building workout intensity gradually, and this means increasing the weight, reps, and sets as you proceed with the workout plan.

You have to make your body work hard, but never workout if your muscles are feeling sore. Remember, overtraining can actually slow your muscle gain. Try to lift heavier weights to increase workout intensity, but there is no need to exercise if your body hasn’t recovered fully.

You can gain muscles quickly if you get adequate rest each night, and eat five to six meals per day. Increase the amount of daily protein and fibrous carbohydrate intake, while refraining from simple sugars. Your daily fat consumption should be around 25% and a good multivitamin or mineral supplement is also ideal.

Workout Plan – Some Friendly Advice

If you have an ectomorph body, try to keep your stress levels low, as increased stress can be highly damaging to your muscle building process. Try to limit activities that use large amounts of energy and make you feel tired. Last, don’t forget to drink lots of water every day.

Diet & Exercise For Mesomorphs (Workout Plan)

People with mesomorph type of body are extremely lucky as they are “genetically gifted” to gain weight and muscle mass really fast. However, if you are genetically blessed to gain muscles quickly, you can also gain unwanted fat if you don’t take care of your diet.

How can you recognize whether or not you have a mesomorph body?

People with mesomorph body have broad shoulders and a narrow waist. You can easily identify their muscle building power, as mesomorphs have strong and muscular forearms and thighs. Their wedge shaped body is also complemented with a long torso, large, full chest, and an excellent shoulder to waist ratio.

What should be your diet and Workout Plan?

Mesomorphs typically respond very well to muscle training that involves heavy training and shaping exercises. You can also vary your workout plan to achieve better results. While having a mesomorph body puts you at a genetic advantage of gaining muscle mass very rapidly, you should not overdo the basic training.

Remember, slight variations in high intensity workouts can give you great results so make sure your workout plan has a few light training days, while others are moderate and heavy training days. As mentioned earlier, proper rest can help you gain muscles so don’t forget to take a day off if your optimum strength level is not there.

Some Friendly Advice – Workout Plan

If you have a mesomorph body, include activities such as stair climbing or brisk walking in your training plan. Your protein intake should be at least one gram for every pound of your bodyweight. You also need to increase your carbohydrate intake and try to include food such as brown rice, lentils, whole grains and low fat beans in your diet.

You can also gain unwanted fat if you don’t keep a close eye on what you eat. Try to restrict your fat intake and eat lean proteins instead. You can include chicken, egg whites, fish and turkey in your diet. Needless to say, you must never try to workout “too fast” as it not going to help you. Remain patient and consistent with your workout plan and don’t forget to drink lots of water.

Diet & Exercise For Endomorphs

People with “endomorph” body consider themselves “unlucky” because they have really hard time losing weight. Interestingly, endomorphs can gain muscles pretty rapidly if they pay close attention to their workout and diet plan.

How can you recognize whether or not you have an endomorph body?

You belong to this category if you have wide hips, but your shoulders are very narrow. This can make you look pear shaped and quite a lot of fat will be visible on your upper arms and thighs. Endomorphs have slower metabolic rate, which makes them prone to easy weight gain.

What should be your diet and exercise plan?

Once you figure out that you are endomorph, try to eat five to six small meals in a day. You can space out your meals and this should speed up your metabolism. Your diet plan should be such that you eat your carbohydrates in the morning and then eat proteins during the rest of the day. A good way to avoid gaining fat is by eating lots of fruits and whole grains, and don’t forget to drink lots of water.

As you know, your workout plan is also an important of gaining muscles. You need to include three to five exercises for every body part and there’s no harm in trying out something different after every two or three workout sessions.

You don’t need as much sleep as ectomorphs or mesomorphs do, but try to get at least seven to eight hours of peaceful night sleep.

Some Friendly Advice

Here are some nutrients tips you need to keep in mind. Try to keep your fat intake low and eat frequent small meals to keep your metabolism rate high. If you want to gain muscles fast, you should only consume dairy products that are practically fat free, and stay away from caffeinated soft drinks and alcohol.

Your quest of muscle gain can become easier and interesting if you take part in a variety of aerobic activities that are fun. Plan on taking part in biking, hiking or swimming, and don’t forget to drink lots of water every day.

What We’ve Discussed Until Now…
You can gain muscles really fast if you are ready to make a change in your diet and exercise routine. When you know the type of body you have, your “changing moments” can be much clearer and properly defined. Remember, even small steps in the right direction can take you closer to the change you want to see. Yes, it’s just that simple!

Click link below and watch a video presentation demonstrates how guys can really gain muscle but also lose weight without using drugs.
You’ll learn how ordinary men are achieving jaw-dropping physiques owing to a long-lost, 100-year-old method of training. You have to watch the before and after transformation photos in this movie!

Best Workout Routine for Muscle Gain Without Equipment

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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