Fitness Tracker For Guaranteed Weight Loss

Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss, We mentioned that you could use fitness tracking to literally guarantee weight loss. So how is this possible?

Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss

The answer is simple: you use  Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss in order to calculate precisely how many calories you’re consuming and then to compare this with precisely how many calories you’re burning off. When you subtract the latter from the former, you’ll be left with the difference. If this is a positive number, then you have a calorie ‘surplus’. That tells you that your body is collecting and gathering calories throughout the day and eventually these have to be stored somewhere so they get turned into fat.

On the other hand, if you’re burning more than you’re consuming, then you’ll have a calorie ‘deficit’. This then means that your body needs more calories just to get through the day than you’re giving it. So what does it do? It looks to your fat stores and it burns that fat to provide usable energy.

Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss

If you know precisely how many calories are coming in and going out then, you can know for certain whether you will lose or gain weight over time. There is no arguing with this it is very simple math.

The problem for a lot of us is that we don’t realize where we are gaining the most calories, where we are losing the most weight, or where we are making mistakes. Sometimes you feel like you’ve had a ‘good diet day’ when in fact you’ve taken in a bunch of calories through a soda drink and you’re in a surplus.

Tracking lets you precisely monitor this so you know exactly how to achieve your goals.

But what about carbs and protein you ask? Isn’t it true that you can lose weight by keeping your blood sugar down?

Maybe. Sort of. Sure, there is some truth in the fact that different calories affect the body in different ways, but this all gets quite blurry and for the time being, no one knows precisely what the best strategy in regards to meal timing or even if it has a significant impact.

Maybe not all the calories you consume reach your bloodstream. Maybe the thermogenic effect causes you to burn more fat when you eat protein. It doesn’t matter.

In the face of uncertainty, simple ‘calories in/calories out is something you can rely on and that can’t be bargained with. If you haven’t consumed enough calories to gain weight, then you won’t gain weight.

How to Use Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss

So that’s the theory, how do you go about using it?

You’ll have to read the book…

Nah, just kidding! I’ll tell you the strategy right now.

So first of all, you need to work out how many calories you are burning in a day. The easiest way to do this is by wearing a tracker that’s fairly accurate and has lots of sensors. The Microsoft Band or Band 2 for instance will use a heart rate monitor and thereby know precisely how much you’re exerting yourself throughout the day and how many calories are getting burned.

If you don’t have a fitness tracker though, then you can do this the old-fashioned way by calculating your BMR and your AMR. This is your ‘Basal Metabolic Rate’ and ‘Active Metabolic Rate. The first number tells you how many calories you burn when you don’t move. That’s right: your body needs to burn calories just simply in order to keep you breathing, blinking, sweating, and thinking.

Meanwhile, the AMR is how many calories you burn on a daily basis assuming you move your average amount. This is the number we’re most interested in because it says how many calories are going out.


Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss

To calculate these numbers, use the following system:

Men: BMR = 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + (12.7 x height in inches) –(6.8 x age in years)

BMR = 655 + (4.35 x weight in pounds) + (4.7 x height in inches) (4.7 x age in years)

To turn this into your AMR, you then multiply that amount by:

  • 1.2 if you’re sedentary (little or no exercise)
  • 1.375 if you’re lightly active (you exercise 13 times a week)
  • 1.55 if you’re moderately active (you exercise or work about average)
  • 1.725 if you’re very active (you train hard for 67 days a week)
  • 1.9 if you’re highly active (you’re a physical laborer or a professional athlete)

There you go, now you have the number of calories you’re burning on any given day.

Next up, you need to learn about the number of calories you’re going to be taking in.

The best way to do this is to set up an account on MyFitnessPal, or to use the option to input your food on S Health, the Jawbone app, or whichever app came with your device.

Now you’ll be able to more easily and quickly track what’s going into your diet and total up the calories. Not only will you see the total but you’ll also see where the biggest culprits lie when it comes to the amount that you’re taking in.

What you’ll find though, is that this process of tracking your calories is quite a slow-going one. It won’t take long before you start to get tired and bored of it.


Fortunately, you don’t have to keep it up forever. As long as you keep doing it for a while you should be able to get an idea of the average calories you’re consuming each day and where the most are coming in.

Take this figure and then subtract the calories out from the calories in. This is your surplus/deficit.

Now how to lower it without tracking every last thing you consume?

The solution is simple. Firstly, aim to go about 250 calories below the AMR. This means that you’ll have some ‘wiggle room’ so that if you make any mistakes, you’ll still be under and you’ll still be losing. So this is now your target caloric intake.

The next step is to try and keep your diet as consistent as possible. This might mean having the same packed lunch at work every day and the same breakfast. A bit boring? Sure. But it also makes life much easier and helps to reduce the number of variables.

Now make sure that the combined total of your breakfast and your lunch is around half of your target. That way, when it comes to dinner, you can be a bit more relaxed, not have to calculate anything, and still be safely under. Nice right?

Of course, if you’re currently 500 calories over your target (hopefully not…) then that’s a lot of calories to cut out of your diet. This is where you need to get creative and look for ways to remove calories that you won’t notice and to start working out just the right amount (and efficiently enough) to burn those extras.

Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss – So how do you cut calories from your diet? Here are a few easy tips:

  • Have a black Americano instead of a cappuccino. This will cut about 100 calories from your diet right away!
  • Stop drinking soda drinks that are packed with sugar. Drink water instead.
  • Get off a stop earlier on the bus and walk
  • Stop spreading butter on your bread
  • Stop adding sugar to your tea and other foods
  • Replace crisps with popcorn
  • Look for the least calorific sandwich at your local sandwich shop

Fitness Tracker For Weight Loss , the last tip? Work out more efficiently. When you do that, you’ll be able to burn more calories in the same amount of time and this will also be better for improving your overall fitness.

What is Fitness Tracking


By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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