
Super Smoothies

Adriana Lima’s Super Smoothies diet

Adriana loves super smoothies, fresh fruit, and veggies. Adriana also takes a daily vitamin and drink lots of different herbal teas to help purify my body. It doesn’t bounce back the way it used after having kids, so Adriana has to work out really hard to be in good shape in addition to being a tired mother.

Super Smoothies, Adriana Lima's loves super moothies
Adriana Lima’s diets

6 super smoothies

  1. Cardamom and beetroot smoothie sundae
  2. Blackberry and apple crumble smoothie
  3. Mango smoothie
  4. Chocolate avocado shake
  5. Summer fruit smoothie
  6. Eye-health smoothie

Super Smoothies

Super Smoothies are a great way to increase your energy levels, in particular before or after exercise, when you just do not feel like cooking a meal. Most smoothie recipes contain a source of calcium such as yogurt, milk, or quark. You will need a blender to make the smoothie recipes, and they are best served chilled or over ice.

Many smoothies are naturally higher in calories than straight juices, so one a day is a good guideline. Bananas are one of the highest sugar fruits and differ greatly in size too, so do not overindulge if you are on a serious calorie-controlled diet.

Smoothies can be made out of season using tinned or dried fruits – but watch the calorie count. Try adding frozen fruits such as berries, which work well in smoothies.


List of Healthy Superfoods:

  • Kale – insanely low in calories, powerful anti-oxidant with anti-inflammatory properties, and helpful for arthritis and autoimmune diseases
  • Spinach – the beauty of spinach lies in how easy it is to disguise the taste. It’s mild tasting yet packed with vitamins, has anti-cancerous properties, and is one of the healthiest foods on the planet
  • Blueberries – one of the highest antioxidant capacities of all fruit which helps to combat free radicals in your body
  • Strawberries –  just one serving provides more vitamin c than an orange while being low in natural sugars
  • Greek Yogurt – double the protein and half the carbs as regular yogurt
  • Cucumber – since it’s 95% water, it’s an incredible detoxifier and helps with liver and kidney function
  • Lemon – one of the most important items to stock in your kitchen as it’s a highly effective cleansing agent and cuts through the bitterness of greens
  • Banana – an essential in smoothies as it adds creaminess, a touch of sweetness, and helps you feel full longer plus, it’s rich in potassium and fiber and gives you natural energy
  • Turmeric – anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant properties
  • Ginger – aids in digestion and supports the immune system
  • Chia + Flaxseeds – rich is Omega-3 and fiber benefits

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By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!