Outdoor Exercise and Fitness

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Outdoor Exercises

With the changing times, one and all are now familiar with what they need to be fit.

It does not matter whether the physical activity is to be performed indoors or outdoors, everyone takes up the opportunity which can keep them physically fit.

Along with indoor exercises, outdoor exercises have become trendy now. With the exercises, one can get the following advantages.

1. To work out in the best and get the maximum benefit only a little machinery is required. Other than this there are a few workouts that can be done without any machinery.

2. No need to be among those people who irritate and no need to be in the crowd.

3. No need to go out walking or driving for the sake of fitness.

4. Fresh air can be enjoyed maximum.

5. One does not need any special outfit or not even any kind of makeup.

6. Vitamin D from the sunshine can be taken.

7. One does not have to work out at a fixed time, exercise as and when you feel like and at the place you like.

There are a few reasons which we cannot add to the list which are also the reasons for taking up the routine for outdoor exercises. There are many other things over which one can ponder. After knowing about the benefits of outdoor exercises one now needs to know about what activities one can get involved with for outdoor exercises.

Whether you’re on vacation, travelling for work, or spending time away from home for whatever other reason, it can be hard to adapt your usual workout outside your gym or athome setup. Hitting up a local fitness class may be an option, but is not always feasible. Sometimes, you just need a quick,equipmentfree routine that gets the job done no matter where in the world you are. Bonus points for something that works your entire body, and covers both strength and cardio.

Finally, there’s a core burnout section designed to fatigue your abdominal muscles in a short amount of time. “When I choose core exercises, I think of totalbody motions that lead to increased stability and balance. The core exercises that I selected in this particular workout are dynamic, move through various planes of motion, and are challenging and functional“.

To get the most out of this workout, you should do each exercise as intensely as you can while still maintaining proper form. Try not to take a break, except for when the workout calls for it at the end of each superset

Here’s how the workout is set up:


  • High Knees —20 seconds
  • Crabby Crawl Out —20 seconds
  • Squat to High Kick —20 seconds
  • Grass Grabbers —20 seconds
  • Rest —30 seconds

Superset 1:

  • Yogi Push-ups —45 seconds
  • Burpee to Lateral Jump Squat —45 seconds
  • Rest —30 seconds
  • Repeat one more time.

Superset 2:

  • Walking Lunges —45 seconds
  • Get-up to Jump Lunge —45 seconds
  • Rest —30 seconds
  • Repeat one more time

Core Burnout:

  • Single-Leg Bicycles —20 seconds each side
  • Push-up to Twist —30 seconds
  • Sumo Squat Hold With Oblique Crunch —30 seconds
  • Plank Hold —30 seconds

Here’s how to do the moves:

1.High Knees 20 seconds

Stand tall with feet hipwidth apart

Keep your chest lifted and your abs tight as you drive your knees toward your chest, one at a time.

Swing your arms, focusing on taking your fingertips from hip height to lip height in rhythm with your knees.

Continue for 20 seconds.

2. Crabby Crawl Out 20 seconds

Stand with your legs wider than shoulderwidth apart. Lower into a sumo squat.

Crawl out onto your hands until your body is stretched out in a plank position. Then, do a pushup.

Crawl back with your hands and sit back into the sumo squat, arms straight and extended overhead.

Repeat for 20 seconds.

3. Squat to High Kick 20 seconds

Stand with your feet slightly wider than hipwidth apart, toes facing forward.

Sit your hips back into a squat. As you stand back up, kick one leg up, keeping it straight, and bring your opposite hand out to touch your toes.

Alternate sides for 20 seconds.

4. Grass Grabbers 20 seconds

Start with your feet wider than shoulderwidth apart. Push your hips back and lower into a sumo squat, bringing your arm to touch the ground right underneath your torso.

Then, stand up straight and jump your feet in so that they land directly under your hips (land on the balls of your feet).

Immediately hop your feet back out to start position and start with the squat again.

Continue for 20 seconds.

5. Yoga Pushups 45 seconds

Start in high plank.

Shift your weight back and bring your butt to the sky so your body’s in a triangle shape.

Your heels should be touching or hovering above the floor (feel free to bend your knees if that’s too intense).

Make sure your neck is in line with your spine so your gaze is toward your feet.

Leading with the crown of your head, bring your upper body down through your hands, swooping your chest about an inch away from the ground, and then lifting your chest into Cobra before pushing your hips back into Downward Dog.

Continue for 45 seconds.

6. Burpee to Lateral Jump Squat 45 seconds

Do a burpee without a pushup: Start in a deep squat with your legs wider than shoulderwidth apart, toes slightly turned out. Reach forward to place your hands on the floor right beside your ribcage. Kick your legs straight out behind you so that you end up in a high plank. Jump your legs back to start.

As you stand up out of squat position, jump to the right, straightening legs while you’re in the air and lowering back into a squat when you land.

Do another squat jump back to the left, ending in the start position.

Continue this combination for 45 seconds

7. Walking Lunges 45 seconds

Stand tall with feet hipwidth apart, back straight, chest lifted, and core tight. Make sure your shoulder blades are pulled back and down softly.

Take a large step forward with your left leg and lower your hips toward the floor, bending both knees so that they form almost90degree angles. Your front knee should be directly over the ankle, and the back knee should be pointing down toward the floor.

Drive through your front heel and push your right foot off the ground to bring it forward. In one fluid movement, step forward into another lunge with the right leg now as the front leg.

Continue for 45 seconds.

8. Getup to Jump Lunge 45 seconds

Lie face up on the ground, arms extended long behind your head.

Swing your arms forward and use your core to roll your body up to a standing position.

Do your best to land with your feet just outside of your hips.

As you stand up, jumps off the ground and land with your legs in a lunge position.

Jump your legs up and switch, doing a lunge with the other leg in front.

Jump both legs back to centre, landing with them hipwidth apart, and lower your hips back and down into a squat. Slowly bring your butt to the floor and roll back to start.

Repeat for 45 seconds

9. SingleLeg Bicycles 20 seconds each side

Lie faceup with both legs extended straight in front of you, keeping your heels higher than your hips. Lift your shoulder blades off the ground and engage your abs.

Twist your torso to bring your right elbow to your left knee, keeping your right leg extended.

Bring your chest and leg back to start.

Continue on the same side for 20 seconds; then, repeat on the other side


10. Pushup to Twist 30 seconds

Do a regular pushup

Then, shift all your weight to one arm and twist your body open to the opposite side to get into a side plank position. Reach the free arm straight up into the air.

Keep your body in a straight line, arms stacked in line with your shoulders, and legs straight.

Continue, alternating sides, for 30 seconds

11. Sumo Squat Hold With Oblique Crunch 30 seconds

Stand tall with feet wider than shoulderwidth apart, toes pointed out.

Keep your back straight as you push your hips back and bend your knees to lower into a squat, stopping when your butt is in line with your knees.

Reach toward the ground with one arm and twist your torso open to the opposite side. Bashir says to think about initiating the twist from your hip and avoid hunching your shoulders or tipping your torso forward.

Repeat this movement, alternating sides, for 30 seconds

12. Plank 30 seconds

Get on all fours with your toes on the floor shoulderwidth apart. Your wrists and elbows should be stacked directly beneath your shoulders.

Keep your core tight so your body is in a straight line from head to toe.

Squeeze your thighs and butt.

Keep your neck and spine in a comfortable, neutral position. (Tip: Try aiming your chin about 6 inches in front of your body.)

Hold this position for 30 seconds

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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