Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

Did you plan to lose a few pounds by teaming up with a male partner and stick to a low-cal food plan? Think this plan through again. According to a recent scientific study, in situations like this, a male partner is more likely to lose weight faster than his female counterpart. This can really put a damper on your motivation.

The study was done by several professors from universities throughout the world including the University of Auckland and the University of Copenhagen. The results were published in the Diabetes, Obesity and Metabolism Journal. The study involved 2000 plus participants which included both overweight men and women who were diagnosed with pre-diabetes. They were told to try the Cambridge Weight Plan.

This is a dietary plan which consists of eating no more than 810 calories a day. The plan involves drinking juices and shakes mostly. Besides this, each person in the study was to eat 375 grams of vegetables, all low-calorie foods such as lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers.

Each person stuck to the plan for eight weeks. They were then observed for the results. The men lost an average of 26 pounds or 11.8 kilograms. The women-only lost approximately 22 pounds or 10.2 kilograms of weight.

Men Lose Weight Faster Than Women

The scientists could only speak for the results of the Cambridge plan, but they concluded that on this low-calorie diet, the men lost more weight faster than the women. This is a somewhat frustrating conclusion for some women.

The weight loss was not the only benefit that men had. They also lost more body fat than the women did in the study. In addition, they lowered their body mass index and blood pressure at a faster rate.


All told, it seems that male bodies react faster to a dietary overhaul than women’s bodies do. This should not deter you from dieting altogether. The best way to boost your health and improve your fitness level is to make small but consistent lifestyle changes. You want to do more than stick to a low-calorie diet which you might easily tire of. Do these things and you will be a weight-loss winner!

Weight Loss For Women What keeping You From Weight Loss

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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