How Cardio Exercise Can Make You Fat

Cardio Exercise Keep You Fat and what you should do instead to lose weight fast

It’s a foregone conclusion!

cardio exercise, I mean, if you want to lose weight and keep it off, ‘exercise more.’ In fact, the more you exercise, the better the outcome. Your fitness coach most likely encourages you to spend hours on the treadmill, run through repetitive stress injuries until your knees give out, and even force yourself to complete the shortest mile when you really want to get off and quit.

However, scientific studies and findings have completely debunked this assumed weight loss “rule of thumb.”
And if you read this article all the way to the end, you’ll learn how to burn fat and also get healthy without ever going to the gym or counting calories.
In one of Precision Nutrition’s articles, the proprietor who has enormous biceps and 8% body fat and also encourages lots of exercise, at least 5 hours each week recently claimed in his blog that…

“Cardio exercise doesn’t work”

He came to this conclusion after conducting an experiment and studying 100 people and discovering that, on average, 12 weeks of intensive training ended in only one pound of fat reduction.
A further study, however, suggested the same thing.
This study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, found that 38 previously overweight, sedentary adults saw no changes in body composition after 10 weeks of exercise (3 endurance sessions and 2 strength sessions per week the opposite of our study).
Furthermore, studies have shown that intensive cardio exercise can affect your body’s metabolism to slow down. And it has the potential to cause you to…

“…lose lean muscle mass which even further reduces your body’s ability to burn calories and remain healthy.”

He came to this conclusion after conducting an experiment and studying 100 people and discovering that, on average, 12 weeks of intensive training resulted in only one pound of fat reduction.
Another study, however, suggested the same thing.
This study, published in Nutrition and Metabolism, found that 38 previously overweight, sedentary adults saw no changes in body composition after 10 weeks of exercise (3 endurance sessions and 2 strength sessions per week the opposite of our study).
Furthermore, studies have shown that intensive cardio exercise can cause your body’s metabolism to slow down. And it has the potential to cause you to…

“…lose lean muscle mass which even further reduces your body’s ability to burn calories and remain healthy.”

Here’s why…

When you exercise, your body creates a stress hormone known as “Cortisol.” This is perfectly natural and, in fact, critical. You couldn’t work out if you didn’t have cortisol. It is what motivates your body to produce the energy required for cardio exercise.
However, your cortisol hormone is designed to be produced in small bursts rather than continuously.
However, when you engage in hours of cardiac exercise, your body produces far too much cortisol.
And when your body is exposed to cortisol for longer than usual, it begins to have detrimental impacts.
Cortisol production that is excessive can have major health ramifications, and stubborn fat is just one of the many side effects. The following are some of its adverse effects:
weight gain, especially around the abdomen/stomach (this can happen despite not changing your diet or exercise routine)
a puffy, flushed face
• mood swings and increased anxiety
fatigue (including feeling “tired but wired”)
• trouble sleeping normally
irregular periods and fertility problems
• high blood pressure levels (cortisol narrows the arteries while the epinephrine increases heart rate)
acne or other changes in the skin
• higher rates of bone fractures and osteoporosis (cortisol can lower hormones like estrogen, which are important for bone health)
muscle aches and pains
• changes in libido due to changes in estrogen or decreased testosterone
• excessive thirst
• increased urination
higher susceptibility to infections (the stress response can lower immune system functions)
It’s simple to understand how you could get yourself in a vicious loop of overworking your body with stress-inducing activities. When this is combined with even a small amount of “indulgence” in your diet, such as sweets and alcohol, you have a recipe for disaster.

“Even though in your eyes, you’re doing all the right things by exercising and eating well, you’re completely unaware of the “real” underlying cause of your stubborn fat.”

Another thing to consider is that your body has an incredible ability for adaptation, which is what makes it so resilient. However, if you continue to put TOO MUCH pressure on your body without providing it with the required rest and recovery, it will begin to compromise and adjust in order to remain working.
Your stubborn body fat, particularly belly fat, is simply one of the ways your body compensates for too much cardio exercise. This weight loss concept is part of our BodyReboot System, which also includes additional efficient procedures for fully ripping unnecessary fat from your body and slimming down in a healthy way.

If you’re doing a long cardio workout, you’re only adding to the problem.

Long cardio depletes lean muscle mass, which is necessary for boosting your metabolism and burning more calories. It also significantly boosts your appetite, making you more prone to unintentional nibbling and overeating.
What should you do instead now that you know that too much cardio exercise might be unhealthy and damaging to your body’s capacity to reduce fat?

Great question!

Let me just toast the answer to you like it darn HOT! It’s…


Toxins, it turns out, lead to fat storage while also making it more difficult to shed those additional pounds.
Toxins are delivered to the liver to be broken down and flushed out when they enter our systems.
When the liver is overworked and the heart and other vital organs are in jeopardy, our systems resort to a backup plan and lock the poisons away in fat cells.
This allows the liver to catch up, and we may then slowly release the poisons to be cleaned or sent packing later.
This means that as external and internal toxin levels rise, the liver is increasingly overwhelmed.
As a result, additional poisons and fat must be crammed into storage to be disposed of later.
To deal with the toxic burden, the number of fat cells grows, and people quickly become overweight.



So you could discover how to get rid of the toxins in your body that are thwarting your weight loss efforts in a safe, effective, and natural way.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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