Introducing Cardio and Weight Loss

High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training , this is all good and well but perhaps you’re wondering if any of what we’ve discussed so far applies to you…Specifically, if your objective is to lose weight, then what use is the bench press? Or any of Joe Weider’s other principles for triggering mass muscle growth?

Impact Frequency Training

Everything! If you want to lose weight, then one of the very best things you can do is to train with weights. Not only does this burn a lot of calories and carbs in its own right but it will also help to change your metabolism and help you to burn even more fat even as you’re resting. This is simply because it takes a certain amount of energy for the body just to maintain muscle. The more muscular you are the fat you burn as you walk around and even as you sleep.

What’s more, is that muscle helps you to appear more toned and athletic. This is a big factor for a lot of people and is often more important than weight loss. Let’s say for example that you have excess cellulite on your legs: should you burn calories or tone muscle? The answer is tone muscle, which will be far more effective at removing the appearance of cellulite and helping you to look leaner.

A lot of women shy away from resistance training because they think it’s going to make them suddenly appear muscular and manly. Even some guys will shy away from it because they don’t want to look ‘too big’.But in reality, it is very hard to get to the point that a lot of people think of it as ‘too big.

No one accidentally ended up looking like Arnold Schwarzenegger –it takes a lot of hard work to build that much muscle. And as for women, lifting weights is one of the best ways to get a toned, feminine physique. Just try searching ‘women who lift’ in Google to see what I mean…

To bring about these impressive weight loss changes, you need to do more compound exercises in particular. These are the ones that utilize the entire body –so those bodyweight moves and also things like the kettlebell swing. The kettlebell swing will use the shoulders, the legs, the core, the back, and more and that makes it an incredible tool for burning calories and building muscle.

Adding CV Work – High-Intensity Interval Training

But the kettlebell swing also is an example of cardiovascular training. The fact that you’re swinging a kettlebell means that you’re maintaining a high and consistent level of exertion. This allows you to burn calories but because you’re using muscle at the same time to shift such a lot of weight, you’re burning even more muscle and flooding the body with growth hormone as well.

In this way, you can use kettlebells like running and maintain output to burn lots of calories.

The difference?

A) You’re working harder because there’s weight involved

B) This also prevents the body from catabolizing the muscle and

C) You’ll be able to do it from the comfort of your own home!

Perform 200 kettlebell swings and you’ll burn a LOT while at the same time building up a lot of strength. This is especially true if you accomplish it using a drop set so that you can start with a hard weight.

Another way you can take this even further is to use the kettlebell as part of a High-Intensity Interval Trainingprogram. HIIT stands for ‘High-Intensity Interval Training’. This means that you’re going to be exerting yourself 100% for short durations, then taking brief spells of rest in-between by performing at a lower intensity. So you might swing the kettlebell for 1 minute at full power, and then stop to jog lightly on the spot for 2 minutes, and then return to swinging the kettlebell.

This allows you to burn more calories in a shorter amount of time than regular ‘steady-state’ cardiovascular exercise. Better yet, it has also been shown in studies to help increase your mitochondria –the energy factories in your cells that allow you to exert yourself for long periods.

But the real power of High-Intensity Interval Training lies in the way it helps you to burn more calories subsequently. That’s because going at 100% exertion(that’s 90%+ of your max heart rate) causes the body to work faster than it can get energy from your fat stores. This is called ‘anaerobic training’ and it forces the body to rely on energy stored in the muscles and the blood. When it does this, that then means that when you perform the slower exercise in-between, you only have the fat stores to draw on. So ironically, this means you end up burning much fat in the long term. This process then continues even once you’ve finished training and you begin going about your regular business.

Using 10 minutes of High-Intensity Interval Training a day, you can nicely cut off any fat you’re worried about and increase your calorie burn. This is recommended as part of a ‘finisher’ –a routine you use to cap off a resistance workout and to increase your overall calorie burn.

The other benefit of steady-state though is what it does for your general fitness and your energy levels. If you can maintain exertion throughout a steady-state workout, then you will be taxing your heart a lot. This is good because it will allow the left ventricle to enlarge, just as any other muscle responds to training.

When that happens, it means that you’ll be able to move more blood around the body with each pump. This is very important because it means in turn that you’ll be able to more efficiently deliver blood, nutrients, and oxygen to the muscles. It also means that when you’re not training, your resting heart rate will be lower. This can benefit hypertrophy when you’re resting and it will help you to sleep far more efficiently so that you wake up feeling more rested and better able to tackle the day ahead –workout and all

Just running 5 miles a week is more than enough to see your resting heart rate and your VO2 max improve. This will not only burn a lot of calories but will also help to support an active lifestyle and especially when it comes to training. This is recommended for everyone.

But if you want to lose more weight, then you can of course increase the ratio of CV to lifting. That might mean that you add in lots of HIIT sessions, or it might mean that you maintain your’re steady-state for much longer.


Adding Cardio to Weightlifting – High-Intensity Interval Training

High-Intensity Interval Training

Adding Cardio to Weightlifting – High-Intensity Interval Training

If you’ve decided to prioritize weightlifting, you’ll want to rotate your weightlifting sessions with cardio sessions. Combining cardiovascular exercise with weight training will set you up to maximize your weight loss.

Here are a few ways to add a cardio element to your weightlifting routine:

Get creative – High-Intensity Interval Training

Multijoint exercise and combination exercises are a great way to be time-efficient because they work for multiple muscle groups at one time and increase your heart rate, giving you a cardio effect during weightlifting. For example, you can squat into an overhead press, or do a front raise directly into a lateral raise

Add plyometrics between sets – High-Intensity Interval Training
Plyometrics are quick bursts of movement that increase your heart rate and tire you out. Several great plyometric exercises are jump squats, mountain climbers, and burpees

Take less rest time between repetitions – High-Intensity Interval Training

If you’re usually doing 10 pushups with one minute of rest between sets, change to a 15-second rest to get and keep your heart rate up

Change it up

A cardio effect is most likely to occur whenever the body has to adjust to new stressors. Rotate between doing more repetitions of lighter weight (if you usually do 10 sets of one exercise before taking a rest, try doing 20) and doing fewer repetitions of a higher weight (if you usually do 10 sets of 10 pounds, consider doing five sets of 20 pounds).

Impact Frequency Training

Adding Weightlifting to Cardio – High-Intensity Interval Training

If you’ve decided to prioritize cardio exercise, you’ll want to work up to exercising 3-5 days per week for a combined minimum of 150 minutes of activity. As you increase your cardio, add alternating upper and lower body-weight training routines 3-4 times per week to help you maximize your weight loss

Here are a few more ways you can add weightlifting to your cardio exercise routine:

Warm it up – High-Intensity Interval Training

Doing cardio first will give you more energy for your weightlifting session, so start with a 10-15 minute warm-up on a treadmill, bike, or elliptical before you move into strength-training.

Add it in – High-Intensity Interval Training

Add a few minutes of cardio between weight-bearing exercises. For example, if you’re doing squats, add a few minutes of jumping jacks, burpees, or step-ups before you transition into lunges. Anything that gets you out of breath can act as cardio.

Finish strong – High-Intensity Interval Training

Tack 10-15 minutes of weightlifting to the end of your cardio session. Just make sure you rotate different areas of the body to give your muscles time to recover.

Getting Motivated for Exercise – High-Intensity Interval Training

Whether you dive into a routine of cardio or weightlifting, it’s perfectly natural for your motivation to work out to ebb and flow. Some days it comes easily, and some days you have to fight to get yourself into the gym.

The first step in staying motivated is to start with realistic expectations. Consider how many days you ideally want to exercise and compare that number to how many days you can fit exercise into your schedule and your current level of fitness. Going from not exercising to hour-long sessions at the gym every day is too much too soon; it won’t benefit your health if you get hurt or burn out.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!