Doggcrapp Training Unleash Your Strength and Build Muscle Mass


Doggcrapp Training is a unique weight-training system designed by Dante Trudel, focusing on building muscle mass and strength. With its high-intensity, low-volume approach and emphasis on progressive strength gains, Doggcrapp Training offers a distinct methodology for advanced lifters aiming to maximize hypertrophy and strength. This article delves into the main principles of Doggcrapp Training, explores the rest-pause training technique, compares it to other high-intensity methods, discusses the benefits of drop sets, and provides insights into the recommended diet and duration of Doggcrapp workouts.

Summary of the Article:

  • Doggcrapp Training principles: High-intensity, low-volume, and high-frequency training with an emphasis on strength gains for moderate-to-high reps. Not recommended for beginners, advised for later intermediates and advanced lifters.
  • Rest-pause training: A high-intensity technique utilized in Doggcrapp Training, involving sets with three failure points and short rests between each set.
  • Comparisons: Differences between rest-pause training, drop sets, and supersets in terms of set breakdown, workout integration, and training intensity.
  • Benefits of drop sets: Increased training intensity, extended time under tension, versatility in exercise selection, and time efficiency.
  • Differences in reps and weight used between rest-pause and drop-set training.
  • Duration of a typical Doggcrapp workout: Varies based on individual factors, but generally involves training three days per week using an A/B structure.
  • Benefits of Doggcrapp Training over other bodybuilding methods: Emphasis on strength gains, optimal combination of failure training and frequency, regular cardio integration, and structured training.
  • Recommended diet for Doggcrapp Training: High protein intake, healthy fats, limited carbohydrates, and adequate hydration. Focus on nutrient-dense foods rather than calorie counting.

This comprehensive article provides valuable insights into Doggcrapp Training, offering readers a thorough understanding of its principles, techniques, benefits, and recommended practices.

Main Principles of Doggcrapp Training

Doggcrapp Training is a weight-training system that focuses on building muscle mass and strength. Created by Dante Trudel, it utilizes high-intensity, low-volume, and high-frequency training principles. Here are the main principles of Doggcrapp Training:

  1. High-intensity, Low-volume, and High-frequency Training: Doggcrapp Training emphasizes strength gains for moderate-to-high reps in specific exercises. It involves intense workouts with shorter rest periods, leading to greater muscle stimulation and growth.
  2. Progressive Strength Gains: Doggcrapp Training believes that progressive strength gains are crucial for progressive size gains. By consistently challenging your muscles with heavier weights, you stimulate muscle growth and improve overall strength.
  3. Single Exercise per Body Part: The training system recommends choosing only one exercise per body part (two for back) per workout. This approach allows you to focus on growing progressively stronger in each exercise, maximizing muscle development.
  4. A/B Structure and Three Training Days: Doggcrapp Training utilizes an A/B structure, requiring you to train three days per week. This structured approach ensures balanced muscle development and allows sufficient recovery time for optimal results.
  5. Not for Beginners: Doggcrapp Training is not suitable for beginners or most intermediates. It is advised for later intermediates and advanced lifters with a solid strength foundation and at least 2 to 3 years of training experience.
  6. Regular Cardio: Unlike some all-or-nothing training philosophies, Doggcrapp Training incorporates regular cardio. Starting with three to four 30-minute sessions of low-intensity cardio on non-training days can complement the muscle-building process.

The Rest-pause Training Technique in Doggcrapp

Rest-pause training is a fundamental component of Doggcrapp Training. This high-intensity technique enhances muscle stimulation and growth. Here’s how rest-pause training works within the Doggcrapp system:

  1. Three Failure Points: Rest-pause sets in Doggcrapp Training consist of three failure points on most working sets. This means that after reaching failure, you pause briefly before continuing for two additional sets to failure.
  2. Rest-pause Technique: To execute rest-pause sets, you start with a set to failure, rack the weights, and pause for approximately 20-30 seconds. After the pause, you can either count by time or the number of breaths before performing the next set to failure. This process is repeated three times in a row, with short rest periods between sets.
  3. Utilizing Isolation Exercises: Rest-pause sets are typically integrated into isolation exercises and accessory work, which are performed after the main lifts. This technique intensifies the muscle stimulation and promotes targeted growth.

It’s important to note that while rest-pause training is highly effective, it should be incorporated wisely within a well-designed workout program to prevent overexertion and potential injuries.

Differences Between Rest-pause Training and Other High-intensity Techniques

Rest-pause training sets itself apart from other high-intensity techniques in several ways. Here are the key distinctions:

  1. Breakdown of Sets: Rest-pause training breaks down one set into several mini-sets, with short rest intervals between each mini-set. Conversely, other high-intensity techniques like drop sets, supersets, and giant sets involve performing multiple sets with minimal or no rest in between.
  2. Integration into Workout Program: Rest-pause training is most effective when integrated into a well-designed workout program. It is not advisable to exclusively rely on rest-pause training or overuse it, as it may lead to burnout. On the other hand, other techniques like drop sets and supersets can be more versatile and easily incorporated into various exercises.
  3. Targeted Exercises: Rest-pause sets are usually plugged into isolation exercises and accessory work, typically performed at the end of a workout session, following the main lifts. In contrast, drop sets and supersets can be applied to a wider range of exercises, including compound movements.
  4. Failure Points: Rest-pause training involves three failure points on most working sets, allowing for additional stimulating reps. In contrast, other techniques do not necessarily emphasize the specific number of failure points.
  5. Training Intensity and Risk of Injury: Rest-pause training intensifies the regular training session by increasing workout density and allowing for more work within a shorter time frame. However, it also increases the risk of injury if proper form is not maintained. Other high-intensity techniques may differ in terms of training intensity and associated injury risks.

While each high-intensity technique offers unique benefits, rest-pause training’s breakdown of sets and emphasis on stimulating reps make it a distinct and effective method within the Doggcrapp Training system.

Comparing Rest-pause Training to Drop Sets and Supersets

Rest-pause training, drop sets, and supersets are all high-intensity training techniques with the potential to build muscle mass and strength. Let’s examine the similarities and differences between these techniques:

  1. Rest-pause Training:
    • Breaks down one set into several mini-sets with short rests between each mini-set.
    • Best integrated into a well-designed workout program, primarily in isolation exercises and accessory work.
    • Allows for more stimulating reps during each set.
    • Intensifies the regular training session, increasing workout density and maximizing efficiency.
  2. Drop Sets:
    • Involve performing multiple sets with minimal or no rest in between.
    • Afford extended time under tension, promoting hypertrophy.
    • Can be used for various exercises, including compound movements.
    • Time-efficient, suitable for individuals with limited exercise duration.
  3. Supersets:
    • Involve performing two different exercises for the same muscle group consecutively, without rest in between.
    • Increase workout density and save time.
    • Enhance the intensity of the workout without necessarily increasing weight.

While all three techniques are high-intensity methods, they differ in how they structure the sets and rest periods. Rest-pause training emphasizes breaking down sets and performing stimulating reps, while drop sets and supersets focus on continuous effort and increased intensity. Each technique offers its own advantages and can be utilized in different ways to achieve specific training goals.

Similarities and Differences Between Rest-pause and Drop-set Training

Rest-pause and drop-set training are both high-intensity techniques aimed at building muscle mass and strength. Here’s a comparison of their similarities and differences:


  • Both techniques are high-intensity methods that increase workout density and stimulate muscle growth.
  • Both techniques elicit similar strength and hypertrophy adaptations compared to traditional sets in resistance-trained individuals.


  • Rest-pause training involves performing a set of repetitions with a weight heavy enough to allow only a few reps before reaching failure. It is followed by a short rest before performing another set to failure.
  • Drop-set training involves performing multiple sets with little to no rest in between, progressively reducing the weight after each set.
  • Rest-pause training allows for more stimulating reps, while drop sets focus on extended time under tension.
  • Rest-pause sets are typically plugged into isolation exercises and accessory work, whereas drop sets can be used for any exercise, including compound movements.

Both rest-pause and drop-set training are effective high-intensity techniques that can contribute to muscle mass and strength gains. Their differences lie in the execution, emphasis, and integration within a workout program.

Benefits of Drop Sets in Addition to Rest-pause Training

When incorporated alongside rest-pause training, drop sets can provide additional benefits to enhance muscle growth and strength development. Here are some advantages of using drop sets in addition to rest-pause training:

  1. Increased Training Intensity: Drop sets allow you to use the heaviest weight possible while still employing the drop set technique. This is particularly beneficial for individuals prioritizing strength gains.
  2. Extended Time Under Tension: Drop sets afford an extended time under tension, which is known to stimulate hypertrophy. By performing multiple sets with reduced weights, you maintain muscle engagement for a longer duration.
  3. Versatility in Exercise Selection: Drop sets can be applied to various exercises, making them a versatile technique in your training regimen. Whether it’s compound movements or isolation exercises, drop sets can be incorporated effectively.
  4. Time-efficient Option: Drop sets can be an attractive alternative for individuals with limited exercise time. Since there is no rest required between sets, drop sets provide a means to achieve positive training adaptations in a shorter duration.
  5. Increased Metabolic Stress: Drop sets increase metabolic stress on the muscles, which can contribute to greater muscle growth. The combination of extended time under tension and increased metabolic stress promotes hypertrophy.

By incorporating drop sets alongside rest-pause training, you can maximize the intensity, time under tension, and metabolic stress placed on your muscles, leading to enhanced muscle development and strength gains.

Differences in Reps and Weight Used Between Rest-pause and Drop-set Training

The number of reps and weight used can vary between rest-pause and drop-set training. Here’s a breakdown of the differences:

Rest-pause Training:

  • In rest-pause training, you perform a set of repetitions with a weight heavy enough to allow only a few reps before reaching failure. After a short rest, you perform another set to failure.
  • Rest-pause sets usually consist of three failure points on most working sets. This allows for additional stimulating reps to further exhaust the muscles.
  • The emphasis is on quality reps and pushing beyond failure to maximize muscle stimulation.

Drop-set Training:

  • Drop-set training involves performing multiple sets with little to no rest in between, then reducing the weight and continuing with more sets.
  • After reaching failure on the initial set, you immediately decrease the weight and continue performing more reps without rest.
  • The focus is on extending time under tension and fatiguing the muscles through successive sets with reduced weights.

While rest-pause training emphasizes reaching failure and performing stimulating reps, drop-set training emphasizes continuous effort and extended time under tension through multiple sets with progressively lighter weights.

Duration of a Typical Doggcrapp Workout

The duration of a typical Doggcrapp workout can vary depending on individual factors and the specific exercises performed. However, here are some general guidelines:

  • Doggcrapp training requires training three days per week using an A/B structure.
  • Each workout should be separated by at least one rest day.
  • The traditional Doggcrapp split is run three times per week, with body parts split across two sessions.
  • Rest-pause training is incorporated into the workouts, which involves sets to failure with short rests.
  • Doggcrapp follows a 6-to-8-week “blasting phase” followed by a 2-week “cruising phase” of low-volume, low-frequency work with straight sets.
  • Dante Trudel recommends 3-4 sessions of low-intensity cardio per week, lasting 30-40 minutes, on non-training days.

It’s important to note that the duration of a Doggcrapp workout may vary based on factors such as the number of exercises, sets, and rest periods utilized, as well as individual fitness levels and goals. It is essential to listen to your body, prioritize proper form, and allow for adequate recovery between sessions.

Benefits of Doggcrapp Training over Other Bodybuilding Methods

Doggcrapp Training offers several benefits that set it apart from other bodybuilding methods. Here are some advantages of Doggcrapp Training:

  1. High-intensity, Low-volume, and High-frequency Training: Doggcrapp Training emphasizes strength gains for moderate-to-high reps in specific exercises. This approach leads to efficient muscle stimulation and growth.
  2. Progressive Strength Gains: Doggcrapp Training recognizes the importance of progressive strength gains for progressive size gains. By continually challenging your muscles with heavier weights, you promote ongoing muscle development.
  3. Optimal Combination of Failure Training and Frequency: Doggcrapp Training allows you to combine the best aspects of all-out failure training with optimal training frequency. This approach ensures adequate muscle recovery while still pushing for maximum results.
  4. Regular Cardio Integration: Unlike some training philosophies, Doggcrapp Training includes regular cardio sessions. This cardiovascular exercise complements the muscle-building process and promotes overall fitness.
  5. Targeted Audience: Doggcrapp Training is not recommended for beginners or most intermediates. It is designed for later intermediates and advanced lifters who possess a solid strength base and at least 2 to 3 years of gym experience.
  6. Structured Training: Doggcrapp Training follows a three-day-per-week training schedule using an A/B structure. This structured approach helps individuals maintain balance in muscle development and allows for sufficient recovery time.
  7. Rest-pause Training Emphasis: Rest-pause training, a technique utilized in Doggcrapp Training, allows for more stimulating reps and intensifies the muscle-building process.

Overall, Doggcrapp Training offers a unique approach to bodybuilding that emphasizes strength gains, optimal frequency, and a balanced training structure. By integrating regular cardio and targeting the needs of intermediate and advanced lifters, it provides a comprehensive system for maximizing muscle hypertrophy and strength gains.

Recommended Diet for Doggcrapp Training

The recommended diet for Doggcrapp Training focuses on high protein intake, healthy fats, and limited carbohydrates. Here are the key points of the Doggcrapp Training diet:

  1. Protein Intake: The Doggcrapp Training diet emphasizes a high protein intake. It is recommended to consume between 1.5 to 2.0 grams of protein per pound of body weight. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds, aim for 300 to 400 grams of protein daily.
  2. Healthy Fats: Healthy fats play an essential role in the Doggcrapp Training diet. It is advised to incorporate sources such as olive oil, almonds, and fish oil into your daily nutrition. Consuming a tablespoon or two of olive oil, a handful of almonds, and supplementing with fish oil can provide valuable healthy fats.
  3. Limited Carbohydrates: The Doggcrapp Training diet limits carbohydrate intake, particularly in the evening. Some adherents even avoid carbohydrates entirely after 6-7 PM. By restricting carb intake, the focus is shifted towards protein and healthy fats for fuel.
  4. Hydration: Adequate hydration is crucial for muscle growth and recovery. Dante Trudel recommends drinking at least a gallon of water daily, in relation to your protein times bodyweight ratio. Staying properly hydrated supports optimal training performance and overall well-being.
  5. Quality Nutrition: Rather than calorie counting, the Doggcrapp Training approach emphasizes consuming high-quality, nutrient-dense foods. Focus on selecting whole foods that provide a range of essential nutrients to support your body’s needs.

It’s important to consult with a healthcare professional or registered dietitian before making significant changes to your diet. They can provide personalized recommendations based on your specific needs and goals, ensuring your nutritional approach aligns with your training regimen.


Doggcrapp Training presents a unique and effective approach to weight training, focusing on building muscle mass and strength. With its emphasis on high-intensity, low-volume workouts, progressive strength gains, and rest-pause training technique, Doggcrapp Training offers advanced lifters an opportunity to maximize their hypertrophy and strength development.

By incorporating drop sets, individuals can further enhance their training intensity and time under tension. Additionally, the recommended diet aligns with the training principles, emphasizing high protein intake, healthy fats, and limited carbohydrates. Overall, Doggcrapp Training provides a comprehensive system that can yield significant results for those looking to take their fitness journey to the next level.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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