Best #1 Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight - My Own Personal Experience

Intermittent fasting to lose weight

 Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight
Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight
Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight, I was browsing a men’s magazine in 1999 when I came across a small interview with Ori Hofmekler.
Ori proposed a radical idea he dubbed “The Warrior Diet”:
Staying lean & muscular by eating just One Meal Per Day.
It might not seem that crazy right now.
However, in the late 1990s, the concept of one meal a day was a significant movement in mindset.
That was such a looooong time back!

Here’s a look at the history of intermittent fasting and my battle to make it a mainstream eating method.

I always have a better understanding of a timeframe when I listen to music.
Britney Spears released “Baby One More Time” in 1999.
The late 1990s were also known for its infectious trance music.
In 1999, I was 29 years old…
I tried out the one-meal-per-day plan.
(Intermittent fasting to lose weight wasn’t a term yet).
Upon generating a controversy with the interviews, Ori released The Warrior Diet book.
It really was difficult for me to evaluate if the strategy was beneficial because I was already fairly slim at the time.
(At 29, almost any acceptable dietary regimen will work.)
For a couple of years, I experimented with The Warrior Diet method.
I put it aside for a while but didn’t completely forget about it.
Let’s jump ahead to 2007.
Rihanna launches “Umbrella” while Britney Spears shaves her head.
I subsequently started my debut wellness blog in 2007.
I created a post called “Lose Body Fat by Eating Just One Meal Per Day” in my first month of blogging.
The Warrior Diet was the subject of my article…
…and everyone went insane.
In September, I awoke to an incredible number of comments on my article.
It was attacked by users of the Bodybuilding forum as well as a weird website named
For months, they criticized my blog article about the Intermittent Fasting Diet Plan.
I was exhausted and battered.
4chan would NOT stop!
Their attack took the shape of a series of comments.
I’m talking about THOUSANDS of comments per day.
Visitors to my site would not see these, but I’d have to go through all of the comments and approve the positive ones while deleting the negative ones.
I was taken off the assault list not long after that.
In October of 2007, I discovered that there was yet another site which discussed Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight:
Martin Berkhan of Lean Gains.
He launched his website in the same month that I did.
Back then, he had a limited following.
…and it would eventually catch up with and overtake the traffic to my site.
Intermittent fasting To Lose Weight still had much more detractors than supporters in 2007.
…until Brad Pilon shows up in 2008 with the science behind the method.
(And over years, I’ve shown this brief video hundreds of times.) (And it is by far my favourite video on intermittent fasting.)
Brad Pilon was a graduate student at the University of Guelph in Ontario, where he was working on his thesis.

Short-term consequences of fasting were the focus of his graduation studies (Intermittent Fasting To Lose Weight).

In 2008 he releases Eat Stop Eat.

Although many folks were practising Intermittent Fasting on a daily basis at the time…
Each fast should be followed by a period of recovery, as Brad advocated (and still preaches).
Do you recall his video from earlier?
The consequences of fasting and exercise on the body are similar.
  • Adrenaline levels rise
  • Growth hormones levels increase dramatically
  • Fat gets released from fat cells into the bloodstream
  • Fat gets used for fuel
Fasting as well as exercise are both beneficial to rest and recovery.
In my experience, the “fasting followed by recuperation” strategy is most effective in the long run.
Brad advises only doing 1-2 fasts per week.
A daily 16-hour fast followed by an 8-hour feeding window is now the most popular intermittent fasting To Lose Weight approach.
This is called 16/8 intermittent fasting.
For young individuals, I believe a “daily feeding window” is the greatest option.
Consider the hormonal benefit as a BONUS as you become older.
Eat Stop Eat is a simple technique to lose weight while eating ordinary meals and not dieting 5-6 days a week.
Brad’s work was directly ripped off in the 5:2 Diet, which became famous in 2013.
For anyone aged 35 and up, I advocate taking the Eat Stop Eat strategy.
Hormones become less reliable as you get older.
A deficit must be created by your food and workouts.
As you get older, getting lean is becoming more like mathematics than chemistry.
You can’t really expect to get the same outcomes as an Instagram Model.
I just wanted to share my opinions about intermittent fasting To Lose Weight.
Visual Impact Fat Loss Boost Diet

Why Intermittent Fasting is Better Than Other Diets


By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!