Smart Full Body Blast to Burn Even More Fat


Best Cardio Workouts is the art and science of burning calories. As a nice side effect it will also help make you healthier and more able to perform things you enjoy. These range from sports, to play, to making love. Increase your ability to do cardio and your whole life is enhanced.

One of the best parts of this is what happens when you do cardio the RIGHT way: your metabolism is enhanced to the point where you not only burn calories while you train, but continue burning them for the rest of the day too!

Why the emphasis on the “right” kind of cardio? Well all cardio will knock off calories. But not all cardio is ideal for boosting your all day metabolism. In fact some of it, like long distance marathon running, is even bad for it.

Best Cardio Workouts – Impact Cardio

You Pick Your Best Cardio Workouts

There’s plenty of ways to get in your cardio. Running, biking and using a rowing machine are just a few examples. Pick whichever you enjoy most and work best with your lifestyle. As long as you are sweating and breathing hard your choice will do the job!

Best Cardio Workouts , Do Your Cardio Five Days a Week.

To get the most out of cardio you need to do it often. Five or even six days a week are optimal. If this leaves you too sore early into your training start off with four days until your body’s endurance grows. One or two days of cardio a week will not do anything for your metabolism at all. No one said getting the body of your dreams would be easy.

Best cardio workouts –  HIIT Your Cardio Hard.

Best Cardio Workouts ,the style of cardio which is the absolute best for cutting fat and boosting your metabolism is called High Intensity Interval Training or HIIT for short. In a nutshel Your cardio will be intense with a recovery period mixed in, in short training sessions.

Here’s an example using running on a treadmill, but the same principle can be used for other methods depending on what you choose to do: 30 seconds of all out running (think of an 8 to 10 difficulty level) followed by light jogging for 1 minute (think a 3 or 4 difficulty).

Repeat these HIIT “sets” for 15 minutes. As you become more fit up the total workout sessions to 20, 25 and finally 30 minutes. If you’ve never trained HIIT style be prepared to see results very, very quickly.


Best Cardio Workouts – Don’t Miss Training Sessions.

To boost metabolism consistent cardio training is what we are looking for. This requires a commitment to do your HIIT sessions and not let small things get in your way. Work late? Do your cardio afterwards. Feel under the weather?

Drink some coffee and break a sweat. The willingness to train despite obstacles that may appear is one of the things that separate the people who achieve their dream bodies and those who remain fat and lacking in health. Be a winner and don’t miss training sessions.

Consider these tips the Holy Grail of metabolic boosting cardio training. Take action and incorporate them in your program and your body will look and feel better. Are you ready to make that kind of change?


Best Cardio Workouts TO BURN EVEN MORE FAT

Muscle is the best friend of a high metabolism.

This may come as a surprise to you in a Guide about losing fat and getting lean, but it’s one of the most important secrets I have to share.

Best Cardio Workouts – Strength training is a vital component of making sure your body is burning fat 24 hours a day. Every pound of muscle you put on will help you lose two pounds of fat. And a certain style of strength training will absolutely crank up your metabolism into overdrive.

Putting in the effort to get stronger will also get you leaner and healthier too. All this combined will have you looking your absolute best before you know it.

So here’s how to train to get lean. You’ll be doing full body blasts three days a week.

Pick Three NonConsecutive Days to Train.

I like Monday, Wednesday and Friday. Your choice will likely be influenced by your work or school schedule, but three days a week is a must.

Each Day You Will be Doing Full Body Blast Workouts.

You’ll Need a Barbell and two Dumbbells at the Least.

If you are training in a gym this is certainly available. If not pick yourself up an inexpensive set, along with a reasonable amount of weight plates. It’s a worthy investment that will last forever.

You can Strength Train Before or After Your Best Cardio Workouts
Cardio Session.
Whichever choice works best for your lifestyle is fine. Just don’t neglect either, they are both of vital importance in optimizing your metabolism.

Do Three Sets of 15 reps for Each Exercise.

Alternate Between Each Exercise after Each set.

When all three sets are done move on to the next two exercises and follow the same method. Full Body Blast

Pair 1

Barbell Squat. Place barbell with weights across shoulders, squat down to just below parallel. Always
squat in a rack or with a spotter.
Dumbbell Rows. Put one knee on bench hold dumbbell in opposite hand. Pull dumbbell to core. This works the middle back.

Pair 2

Pushups. These should be performed with tight abs and back using strict form.

Situps. Bent knee situps or crunches. If you can do more than 15 reps do so.


Best Cardio Workouts

Pair 3

Pull Downs or Pullups.

Both are fine upper back and overall strength building exercises. If you are able choose pullups over machine pull downs. There’s a reason they are the favorite exercise of athletes and the military.

Bicep Curls.

These can be done with either a barbell, with dumbbells or even on a machine.

Pair 4

Dead Lift

Load a barbell on the floor. Bend your knees and pull the bar up to the middle quad as you straighten your legs. This builds total body strength. It is also credited by many trainers as offering a total body metabolic boost.

Leg Lifts.

Lie on your back and raise your straight legs to the sky stopping at the “L” point. This builds the lower and side abdominal muscles.


Being strong and being lean and fit all come hand in hand. If you would like more information on technique or correct form for exercises listed above please do a search online, there is lots of great videos and step by step instructions.

Dedicate yourself to this full body blast strength training even for a month and watch the new you burst through!
Don’t be surprised if it becomes your favorite part of the program.

Weight Loss Exercises How Important Is It

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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