Benefits of Kickboxing


Benefits of KickboxingBenefits of KickboxingBenefits of KickboxingBenefits of Kickboxing1.) Great full body workout –  The first Benefits of Kickboxing and the reason why more and more people are getting hooked on kickboxing is that the moves are designed to train the entire body. You do not have to do a set of different routines to make sure that every area of your body is targeted. You are going to sweat like crazy and burn calories like you have never imagined. For you to properly deliver a punch and a kick, you have to work your entire body. With kickboxing, you will learn how to work on your balance and develop muscles you didn’t know you had.

Benefits of Kickboxing2.) Lose weight fast and tone your body – kickboxing combines different martial arts techniques with heart-raising cardio routines that will make you burn calories and fat at a fast pace. If you do the kicks and punches along with conditioning drills and rope jumping, you can burn anywhere between 700 and 900 calories in an hour. The cardio element is a very effective way to burn fat. One study confirmed that doing aerobic exercises is better at reducing belly fat than resistance training. The toning component of the martial art forces you to engage all the muscles in your body.

3.) Reduce stress – because of kickboxing’s high energy nature, you would be able to punch and kick your stress away in no time. The movements will challenge several core muscle groups. This is very beneficial in conditioning not only your body but your mind as well. Unlike other workout routines with limited movements, kickboxing will allow you to move your body without limits, and this is considered as a very good stress reliever. People who have been doing kickboxing have noticed an increase on their energy levels.

4.) Improve your coordination – kickboxing is not only a good way to drop the pounds, people with posture problems will benefit from it as well. The moves will help strengthen your core and improve your reflexes, flexibility and coordination skills. When you throw punches and perform kicks, you need to concentrate in doing each movement successfully.

5.) Boost your confidence – once you start losing weight and feeling stronger, you are going to be more confident. Kickboxing releases endorphins, a group of hormones that give us a feeling of well-being. You will feel happier and more confident for several hours after your workout.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!