Top Juicing Recipes

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Anti-Aging Juice

Anti-Aging Juice – If your complexion is important to you, and you want younger looking, softer skin, this is the recipe you’ve been looking for!

Two of the key ingredients in any juicing recipe dedicated to improving your skin are: cucumbers and oranges.

Oranges provide your body with important vitamin C, which will help your skin appear more youthful and vibrant, while cucumbers contain silica, which will help to boost moisture levels while improving the strength of your skin (which will make it look and feel smoother).

In fact, a single cucumber contains 95% water content, providing excellent hydration benefits.

AntiAging Juice: Recipe #1

3 Stalks of Celery

3 Whole Apples
½ Cucumber

1 teaspoon of ginger root

5 Leaves of Kale
1 Lemon
1 Large Orange (peeled)

Anti-Aging Juice – Directions:

Dice the cucumber, apples, lemon, ginger root and celery into small bitesize chunks. Toss them into your juicer. Next, add the kale and blitz the mixture into smooth. Serve ice cold.


AntiAging Juice: Recipe #2

There are many things that lead to visible aging, especially stress and an abundance of freeradicals in your body. By incorporating an antioxidant based juice into your diet, you’ll be able to turn back the hands of time so you look and feel younger.

This antiaging juice recipe will help reduce the signs of aging, minimize wrinkles and leave you with healthy skin that is brighter and radiant. It will also help to regulate blood pressure. It’s one of our favorite recipes!

2 cups of blueberries

½ cup of strawberries

1 large leaf Kale

½ small beet

2 cups of water

Blend everything together, starting with the fruits and water. Add in the beet and kale. Serve with ice.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!

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