Adriana Limas guide to killing it on the catwalk

Killing it on the Catwalk

Adriana Lima
Adriana Lima loves boxing

 Adriana Lima favourite workout for getting fit before the show? It’s no secret that Adriana Lima loves boxing! Adriana  has been doing it for 10 years now and it’s a great high-intensity workout to work up a sweat

Adriana Lima six pack and a toned butt 1

 What exercises should we be doing for a six-pack and a toned butt? For a toned butt, Adriana Lima does running sprints they are great because the power for running fast comes from the butt muscles, so you can really feel the burn. For a six-pack,  Adriana would also say sprints or exercise bikes.

Adriana Lima eat lots of protein and vegetables and cut out sugars

Is there a particular diet that  Adriana before the show? Now that Adriana in her 30s, her body isn’t the same as it used to be so she has to follow a healthy routine with my meals; this means lots of protein and vegetables and cuts out sugars.

Adriana Lima favorite health drink for a boost on the day of the show

Adriana favourite health drink for a boost on the day of the show? Espresso. A healthy snack to take with you backstage? Protein bars.

Adriana Lima beauty routine for radiant skin

So what does Adriana beauty routine for radiant skin come show day? The secret she says is drinking lots of coconut water leading up to the show and make sure to cleanse my skin both morning and night, as well as following a workout. Adriana then put oils on my skin to help keep it smooth and hydrated.

Adriana Lima hair

 What about Adriana’s hair?  Adriana a big fan of Kérastase hair masques and conditioning treatments which helps to keep her hair healthy and shiny, as it faces a lot of heat damage at work. Heat-activated deep conditioning masque,  nourishing shampoo, , nourishing conditioner, Kérastase.

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!