That Late breakfast and Earlier Dinner

Late breakfast and Earlier Dinner – Boosts Weight Loss

Boosts Weight Loss, a fascinating recent research study indicates that the secret to achieving weight loss entails little more than a change in when meals are eaten. All that may be necessary for some is eating breakfast a bit later and consuming dinner earlier than in the past.

Boosts Weight Loss

Boosts Weight Loss ,subjects in a scientific trial who did not eat breakfast until 90 minutes after they typically would have and who also ate dinner 90 minutes earlier than normal ended up losing over two times the body fat over a 10-week span than the control subjects. This was true even though the test group did not reduce their caloric intake.

The research, involving 13 individuals, seems to show a similar result to studies done on animals. It may provide real hope to those seeking to shed pounds without dramatically cutting calories.

A common problem with typical forms of dieting is that those who reduce intake for a period of time tend to wind up binging later on because of feelings of deprivation. This undermines any results obtained via caloric restriction.

Boosts Weight Loss

University of Surrey researcher Jonathan Johnson hailed these findings as being quite encouraging in that it shows that folks can, within reason, eat what they want, provided they adjust the timing of their meals. While he cautions that this is not necessarily a one-size-fits-all solution to weight problems, it may make a significant difference for many.

Scientists involved in this study suspect that moving meal times toward the middle part of the day helps bring metabolic processes in line with the body’s circadian rhythms. Another explanation is that weight loss occurring in the subject group was due instead to the fact that they had a longer period of fasting than they otherwise would.

Dr Johnson’s study was published in the Journal of Nutritional Sciences, and it contains his assertion that reduced overall body fat serves top lower the risk of obesity-related illness and better health in general.

Fat Loss Boost
Boosts Weight Loss

By jayhasting

I'm J Hastings, your friendly fitness enthusiast with over 12 years of dedicated experience in the realms of fitness, diets, and bodybuilding. Join me on a journey towards a healthier and happier version of yourself!